My Story

From the Heart of Dr. Margo

My functional medicine practice is in memory of my best friend, a vibrant 33-year-old mother and wife, whose life was tragically cut short due to an undiagnosed allergic reaction that caused heart inflammation. Despite seeking medical help multiple times over 2.5 weeks, including visits to the emergency room, her underlying condition was never identified. She was merely treated symptomatically and sent home. This heartbreaking loss has driven me to dedicate my efforts to a more holistic and thorough approach to healthcare. My mission is to ensure that others receive comprehensive care that seeks to uncover and address root causes, rather than just treating symptoms, so that no one else has to endure the preventable tragedy that took my dear friend's life.

This is a letter to my best friend in heaven

Dear Best Friend,

There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think about you. The shock of your sudden passing still reverberates through my heart, leaving a void that words can barely touch. You were more than just my best friend; you were a sister to me, a beacon of light and joy, a wonderful mother, and a loving wife.

I remember the first time you told me about your symptoms – the shortness of breath, the rash, the fever, and the nausea. It was hard to see you in such discomfort. I trusted that the doctors would find the cause and help you get better. It’s beyond frustrating and heartbreaking to know that they didn’t look deeper, didn’t try harder to find out what was truly wrong. Instead, they just gave you medications and sent you home, never realizing the gravity of what you were experiencing.

Your courage through those 2.5 weeks was immense. Despite feeling so unwell, you remained hopeful and strong. Your priority was always your family, ensuring that your child was cared for, and that your husband had your unwavering support. It’s devastating to think that in the end, it was an avoidable reaction that took you away from us.

I often think about your smile and your infectious laughter. You had this incredible ability to brighten any room and make even the darkest days seem bearable. Your empathy and kindness knew no bounds, and you always found time for everyone, no matter how busy life got. I miss our long talks, your wise advice, and the way you always knew how to make me feel better.

Your daughter misses you dearly. She was so young (8 years old), but I know that she carries pieces of you within her – your strength, your kindness, your zest for life. Your husband is navigating this new reality without you, and I know it’s the hardest thing he’s ever had to do. You were his rock, his confidante, his everything. I see glimpses of you in his perseverance and his love for your child. He’s doing his best to honor your memory, to be both mother and father, and to find a way to keep moving forward.

I often find myself talking to you, seeking your guidance. I know you’re watching over us, and I hope you can feel the love we all continue to hold for you. You touched so many lives in your short time here, and your legacy of love and kindness will never fade.

I promise to keep fighting for answers, to ensure that no one else has to endure what you went through. Your story will be told, not just as a tale of loss, but as a call to action for better healthcare, for deeper understanding, and for more compassionate care.

I love you and miss you more than words can express. Thank you for being my best friend, for all the wonderful memories, and for the incredible impact you had on my life. Until we meet again, I’ll carry you in my heart, always.