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Functional Medicine Specialist

Breaking the Cycle: Your Journey to Wellness!

No more masking symptoms. We uncover underlying factors that may be contributing to your symptoms.

Sounds Familiar…?

  • I worry that my family history means I'm next.

  • I have episodes of sweating and nausea out of nowhere.

  • My chest feels tight, like someone is squeezing it.

  • Every chest pain makes me fear the worst.

  • I notice my ankles and feet are often swollen.

  • I feel a sharp pain in my neck and jaw.

  • I feel a burning sensation that radiates to my back and shoulders.

  • My arms feel numb and tingly, especially my left arm.

  • I feel like I have indigestion.

Jess’s Pre Heart Attack Symptoms In Women

Today I feel more overwhelmed than usual. It’s not just the workload, which has been huge lately, but something deeper, something more that has been bothering me. For the past few weeks, I’ve noticed a squeezing in my chest, a fluttering that makes it hard to breathe. At first, I thought it was just stress—after all, being a mother, a wife, and an entrepreneur is demanding. But now, I can’t ignore it anymore.

Running my own business was always a dream, a vision of freedom and creativity. It’s the reason I wake up at 5 AM, even on weekends, and why my laptop is with me all the time. But this dream comes with a price. The late nights filled with numbers, the constant work to stay ahead of competitors, and the pressure to think of new ideas and grow—it's exciting, yet very tiring. And then, of course, there’s my family. My amazing, demanding, loving family. I want to be everything for them, yet I fear I’m doing too much.

I remember the first time I felt a strange sensation in my chest. It was a few months ago during one of our biggest projects. I thought it was just anxiety and tiredness. I pushed through, telling myself I would rest once things settled. But things never truly settle, right? There’s always another challenge, another deadline, another problem to solve. And through it all, my heart has been quietly telling me something.

Today, after the kids left for school and my husband, Mark, went to the office, I sat in the quiet of our kitchen and allowed myself to really feel. It scared me. This isn’t the kind of tired that a good night’s sleep can fix. It’s a deep tiredness, a constant reminder that something isn’t right. I made an appointment with a functional medicine practitioner finally admitting that my health needs attention.

The idea of heart disease scares me. My grandmother died of a heart attack when I was young. I still remember the chaos, the sadness in our family. I remember my mother’s tears and the funeral where I didn’t fully understand what was happening. Heart disease is something that has always worried me, but I never thought it would affect me.

As I sit here, writing these thoughts, I think about my children—Emily and Jacob. They are my world, my light on the darkest days. What would they do without me? Who would guide Emily through her teenage years, help Jacob with his homework, or just be there for them in the way only a mother can? And Mark, my rock, my partner in this life—we’ve built so much together. The thought of leaving him alone fills me with sadness.

I’ve always prided myself on being strong, on being able to handle anything. But this... this weakness, this uncertainty about my heart’s health, it’s something I don’t know how to deal with. I can’t fix it with a business plan or a meeting. It requires me to slow down, to listen to my body, to admit that I am not invincible.

I spent part of today learning about heart health. The numbers are serious. Women are at high risk, and yet our symptoms are often overlooked or misunderstood. The signs can be subtle, easily blamed on stress or tiredness. It’s scary how many women suffer in silence, their concerns pushed aside. I won’t be one of those women. My family deserves better; I deserve better.

In the coming days, I need to make changes. My diet, my exercise routine, my work-life balance—all need a hard look. I’ve been so focused on building my business, on providing for my family, that I’ve ignored the most important thing: my health. If I don’t take care of myself, everything I’ve worked for could fall apart.

The hardest part is going to be stepping back, learning to let others help more, and saying no to more work. It’s hard when you’re used to being the one in control. But I must learn to trust that my team can handle things, and to let my family take on more at home.

I’m also worried about the money. Medical tests, treatments—they’re expensive. Our budget is already stretched thin with the business and the kids’ activities. But this is non-negotiable. My health comes first, and we’ll figure out the rest as we go.

Tonight, when Mark gets home, I need to talk to him. Really talk. He needs to understand how serious this is, and we need to figure out a plan together. I know he’ll be supportive, but the guilt of adding more on his shoulders weighs on me.

As I finish writing, I feel a mix of fear and determination. Fear of what might happen, of what I need to do. But also determination to take control of my health, to be there for my family, and to keep chasing my dreams—just at a slower, more careful pace.

One step at a time, I will handle this. My heart, as fragile as it feels, is still strong. It’s a reminder that I’m alive, that I have the power to change my story, to prioritize my well-being. I owe it to myself, to my children, and to Mark to be the best version of me—healthy, happy, and here for as long as possible.

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Rethinking Healthcare: Disease Care vs. Health Care

In today's world, everyone desires a long and healthy life. However, we believe that the current healthcare system in America has become more of a disease care system. When faced with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, irritable bowel syndrome, perimenopausal, and thyroid conditions, traditional medical approaches often involve prescribing prescription medications. But hey, is only popping prescription pills really the best approach for your body?

Prescription medications are regularly likened to Band-Aids due to the fact they generally address signs and symptoms in place of the foundation causes of health issues. While these medications can provide on the spot relief and are critical in managing acute situations, they'll most of the time fail to clear up the underlying issues, leading to lengthy-time period dependency and potentially masking the real problem.

By stepping out of the conventional healthcare system and reaching out to functional medicine practitioners, you can explore a comprehensive, whole-body approach to wellness.

Root Cause Medicine

Functional Medicine Specialist LLC is committed to providing holistic healthcare solutions under the guidance of Dr. Margo White, PharmD, FMAP. We focus on finding the root causes of health issues by using advanced laboratory tests to identify natural process blockages and nutrient deficiencies. This means we can find and provide support for the main reasons for ongoing health issues and problems by creating personalized plans that fit each person's specific needs and lifestyle. As functional medicine practitioners, we concentrate on suppporting the whole person rather than just the symptoms. Our goal is to help you find balance in your body and make you feel great so that you can live life to the fullest.

Functional Medicine Specialist is a leading health wellness establishment that specializes in root cause medicine. We have been highly honored to gain a solid reputation of excellence in the various functional medicine services we offer. We take great pride in our unrivaled capacity to provide top notch solutions.

How Prescription Medications May Act as Band-Aids

  • Symptom Suppression
    Prescription drugs are designed to suppress or alleviate symptoms. For instance, painkillers reduce pain, antidepressants alleviate symptoms of depression, and blood pressure medications lower excessive blood pressure. However, these medicinal drugs do not deal with why the ache, depression, or high blood pressure is taking place in the first place.

  • Temporary Relief
    While medications can provide quick alleviation, this effect is generally transient. Once the medicine is stopped symptoms frequently return due to the fact the underlying cause has not been addressed.

  • Dependency
    Long-term use of prescription medications can lead to dependency. Clients may additionally discover themselves desiring to take the medication indefinitely to maintain signs at bay, without ever resolving the main cause for their condition.

  • Side Effects
    Many prescription drugs come with side effects, which can occasionally be extreme. These unwanted effects may also necessitate additional medications, creating a cycle of medication dependency and increasing the chance of unfavorable interactions. If you have uncomfortable side effects, don't stop taking your medications before you communicate with your physician.

Functional Medicine Specialist offers an alternative to the Band-Aid effect by focusing on identifying and addressing the main causes of health problems. This approach involves a thorough investigation of a client's health history, lifestyle, and underlying imbalances.

Areas of Expertise

Heart Health

Understanding the dangers and preventative measures for heart disease is important for maintaining a healthy existence. A cardiac assessment is vital for anybody with a family history of cardiovascular disease, as it may provide insights into whether or not heart disease is genetic or hereditary. For women, taking the "Am I Having a Heart Attack Female Quiz" can assist with discovering heart attack signs and symptoms, which can be regularly distinct from symptoms in men. Silent heart attack symptoms can go unnoticed, making advanced cardiac tests even more crucial. Knowing the predicted life expectancy after a first coronary heart attack or a silent coronary heart attack can guide a client in handling their fitness and wellness post-event.

The question "Is congestive heart failure hereditary?" is common amongst those with a family history of cardiovascular disease. Heart disease can have genetic components, making it crucial to understand how to avoid increasing the risk heart disease by taking other steps. For example, recognizing heart attack symptoms in men and women can save lives, as early detection leads to well-timed heart health support. Given that coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in women, awareness and proactive measures are critical. Using the "Am I Having a Heart Attack Female Quiz" allows women to determine their signs and symptoms and seek immediate medical attention.

Prediabetes Self-care

Life expectancy after a silent heart attack or a first heart attack varies, but it often improves with lifestyle changes and medical management. This underlines the importance of asking, "Is heart disease genetic?" and "Is heart disease hereditary?" Regular cardiac assessments provide answers and help formulate prevention strategies. Silent heart attack symptoms may not be as apparent, thus emphasizing the role of routine check-ups in detecting hidden issues. Knowing how to avoid heart disease, such as through diet, exercise, and avoiding smoking, can significantly reduce risks.

In families with a stroke history, regular monitoring and assessments are equally important. Understanding if conditions like congestive heart failure or heart disease are genetic helps in taking preventative steps. The life expectancy after a silent heart attack can improve with prompt medical intervention and lifestyle adjustments. Similarly, knowing the life expectancy after a first heart attack helps clients plan their recovery and long-term health management.

Ultimately, whether dealing with the immediate concern of heart attack symptoms in women or the broader question of "Is heart disease hereditary?" the key lies in being informed and proactive. Regular cardiac assessments, understanding silent heart attack symptoms, and using tools like the "am I having a heart attack female quiz" are crucial steps in maintaining heart health and improving life expectancy.

If you have high cholesterol, particularly due to familial hypercholesterolemia, consider Functional Medicine Specialist to evaluate and plan your wellness journey. There are various lifestyle changes and supplements that may promote low cholesterol. Since high cholesterol can be genetic, those with a family history should be especially vigilant. Additionally, it's important to recognize that stress can cause high cholesterol, so managing stress is a key component of maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

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Perimenopause and Menopause

As women age, navigating the difficulties of hormonal changes becomes crucial for maintaining health and well-being. If you're experiencing symptoms such as light brown discharge, brown spotting before your period, or brown discharge after sex, it may be time to consult a hormone specialist. Hormonal imbalance symptoms in females can impact the woman’s sleep, mood, gut health, body temperature, and brain function. Functional Medicine Specialist, a leading hormone specialist near you, focuses on addressing these issues with a comprehensive and personalized approach. Whether you're wondering "why do I have brown discharge but no period" or dealing with brown discharge 2 weeks after your period, our goal is to uncover the root causes of your symptoms and provide targeted, effective plans of care.

Perimenopause and menopause bring about significant hormonal shifts that can manifest in various ways, including perimenopause spotting, perimenopause fatigue, and brown discharge before your period. As a menopause specialist near you, we utilize advanced diagnostic tools like the DUTCH hormone test to thoroughly evaluate your hormonal health. The DUTCH testing helps identify imbalances such as estrogen dominance symptoms and guides the development of a customized wellness plan. Our approach often includes the best supplements for perimenopause, tailored to your specific needs, to alleviate symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.

In addition to managing menopause-related symptoms, Functional Medicine Specialist also provides support for other hormonal issues like PCOS and MTHFR gene mutations. If you are experiencing symptoms such as brown discharge with tissue-like pieces or have concerns about polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), we offer specialized tests and targeted supplements, including PCOS vitamins, to support your health. Understanding and addressing hormonal imbalances early on can significantly impact your long-term health. Through comprehensive assessments, personalized care plans, and ongoing support, Functional Medicine Specialist is dedicated to helping women achieve optimal hormonal health and well-being.

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Thyroid Issues

Understanding thyroid health can be tough, especially for women over 35 who often experience a range of confusing symptoms. At Functional Medicine Specialist, we are dedicated to helping women understand and manage their thyroid conditions effectively. Take, for instance, the story of Emily, a 40-year-old who came to us with persistent fatigue and the unsettling question, "Why am I always cold and tired?" After a thorough wellness visit reviewing symptoms, analyzing labs and Emily’s goals we referred her to an endocrinologist for a work-up for hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland is underactive. By implementing a personalized wellness plan that included dietary changes and targeted supplements, Emily experienced a remarkable improvement in her energy levels and overall well-being.

Thyroid issues in women, such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, often present with a range of symptoms that can be confusing and disruptive. Symptoms of hypothyroidism can include unexplained weight gain, hair loss, and constant fatigue, while symptoms of hyperthyroidism might involve weight loss, anxiety, and palpitations. Consider Lorraine, who was dealing with significant hair loss and weight fluctuations. Upon visiting Functional Medicine Specialist, we identified her condition as hyperthyroidism. Through a balanced plan of care approach that addressed her nutritional needs and hormone levels, Sarah's hair loss slowed, and she began to regain a sense of normalcy in her life.

Understanding and addressing thyroid symptoms in women is crucial for restoring health and vitality. By providing personalized care plans that include dietary recommendations, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments, Functional Medicine Specialist aims to support thyroid health and enhance the well-being of women dealing with these challenging conditions.

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I have been collaborating with Dr. Margo for several months, and my experience has been nothing short of exceptional.

Dr. Margo is incredibly organized and always accommodating, making the complexities of receiving 7 medications each month much more manageable. Her vast knowledge, coupled with her helpful and kind nature, makes her an invaluable asset to anyone’s health care team.

- JP

I am expressing my deepest gratitude for all Dr. White  has done to pave the way for my dreams. Her guidance, support, and mentorship have been invaluable throughout my online nurse practitioner journey.

I am genuinely grateful for the time and effort Dr. White has provided us, and I am proud to have the opportunity to be a part of her class. I am forever thankful for the impact she has had on my life and my future success.

- DT

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